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Rebecca Mott
3 min read
How BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) Help You Feel Alive and Conquer Your Fears
What is a BHAG (pronounced BEE-hag) anyway? Let's explore it together and discover how they can help you conquer your fears. According...

Rebecca Mott
7 min read
How to Grow Your Potential as a Leader
Anyone can be a leader Everyone admires "them." When they speak, people listen. Everyone likes them, or so it seems. Even their...

Rebecca Mott
3 min read
Shine On!
Have you ever had a great day? It was a day when everything seemed to come together perfectly. You connected with the right people and...

Rebecca Mott
4 min read
Stop Asking for Permission
Failure is not fatal or final! Living Your Unique requires bold and radical moves. One habit that can get in the way is waiting for or...

Rebecca Mott
2 min read
Make It Happen - Make It Matter
As you reflect on your current life, ask yourself, is something missing? Do you strive for more yet lack the motivation and confidence to...

Rebecca Mott
4 min read
7 Steps to Solving Every Problem
Problems are a fact of life. The question is not "will I have a problem?" The question is "WHEN will I have a problem?" From the time we...

Rebecca Mott
2 min read
Adopt a Success Mindset
Living Your Unique will require you to adopt a success mindset. Here are some notes that I captured from a recent webinar on the success...

Rebecca Mott
3 min read
Fail Your Way Forward
Don't waste your tears on people who refuse to love you. For after you have cried, they still will not love you. Our culture is addicted...
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